Advanced Cyber Security Training For I.T. Professionals

Fundamentals of Cyber Security for Small Business

This free course is an overview of cybersecurity for physical systems in small business.

As an IT professional, you know that there are negative business repercussions if there is a successful security breach including any of these: business disruption, legal action and fines, reputation damage, and financial loss

The goal of this course is to present information in a clear and minimally technical manner so that you know exactly what to do, and what not to do, to keep yourself and your company safe.

As you navigate each lesson, you will incrementally build an initial cybersecurity risk assessment tailored for your business. In the end, you will have a quiz to check your knowledge.

Areas covered:

  • Risk Assessment

  • Security Policies and Procedures

  • Employee Training and Awareness

  • Network Security

  • Data Encryption

  • Access Control

  • Regular Software Updates and Patch Management

  • Backup and Recovery

  • Mobile Device Management

  • Incident Response

  • Compliance

  • Vendor Risk Management

Cyber Security Training For the Following Industries:

  • Healthcare

  • Retail

  • Manufacturing

  • Education

  • Agriculture

The Fundamentals for Cybersecurity for Small Businesses is targeted to help you identify gaps in your current cybersecurity framework so that you can plan improvements at your company.



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