Free Cyber Security Training For Employees

Keep your personal information and company information safe.

This free course teaches the fundamentals of Cyber Security and online safety for employees.

The majority of employees use the Internet at some point while at work or while working remotely, so it is important to business that everyone learns to practice cyber safety. As an employer, the ITCOE is here to help train cybersecurity safety and

The goal of this course is to present information in a clear and minimally technical manner so that you know exactly what to do, and what not to do, to keep yourself and your company safe.

Self Guided Training

If your employees would like to take the free self-guided training:

Employee Training:

 Please visit:

 -Select Join a Class

-Enter access code: 4528efe5

Or, click here to begin training:

Keep Your Company Safe Online

  • Avoid business disruption.

  • Save on legal action and fines.

  • Keep your reputation positive.

  • Avoid financial loss.

As you navigate each lesson, you can work through simulations and practice exercises to reinforce the content. Ultimately, you will have a short quiz to check your knowledge.
Areas covered:
• Scams and Malware
• Passwords and Authentication
• Protecting Information (personal and company proprietary)
100% online
Estimated time to complete: 2-4 hours
Completion badge awarded if achieve an 80% on this quiz.



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