Minnesota Tech Interns Needed!

While the Minnesota State IT Center of Excellence does not offer internships, we have suggestions on where you can look. Let’s explore a few resources we recommend you check out.

Are you a high school or college student looking for a technology internship in Minnesota? With the growing demand for technology employees, many companies are looking for interns to fill a short-term gap and create a recruitment pool of qualified applicants. The competition is intense in the field, but interning has many benefits. These include the opportunity to develop your skills, explore different career paths, and make valuable connections that can lead to future career opportunities.

If you want to gain access to one of the 8,000 open technology positions, open now and growing in the future, one great option is to start an internship now! Internships are a great way to develop your skills, explore different career paths, and make valuable connections that lead to career opportunities. The good news is that many resources and companies in Minnesota are dedicated to helping you as you look for and secure an internship. Some are very specific to an area of interest, region of the State, or experience/knowledge area, so you will need to spend time seeing what works best for you, but rest assured, you're not alone on this journey.

For high school students in Minneapolis, the Northside STEM program Tech CONNECTS is a fantastic opportunity. This 16-week paid internship program is designed specifically for Minneapolis high school students. You'll earn a salary as an intern and gain computer skills, customer service experience, and professional development. You'll also get hands-on experience by providing technical support to the community.

One of the more extensive programs for college students is the SciTech Internship Program. This is part of MNTECH and provides funding to employers to hire Interns. It is an excellent opportunity for students and businesses as quality candidates work for employers while receiving state funding to help pay intern salaries.


Career Centers: Some other resources you will want to explore include your high school or college career centers. Most companies will contact high school and college career centers to post upcoming internships. They look for local talent, so your Career Centers are a tremendous 1st stop. The Career Centers can also help you write an email and interest letter, which you will want to have before you begin looking for internships. Career Centers can also help you navigate the Internship applications and guide you.


Career Highways: Career Highways is the Minnesota State IT Center of Excellence partnership that provides AI-powered career Development at your fingertips. Students sign up for a FREE profile and can discover training, pathways, careers, and more. This is the system to use if you do not have a professional network and need to understand your options and opportunities better.


There are free facilitated learning classes to get you started as well. Learn more about our Free Career Development Platform at https://www.minnesotatechresources.org/career-highways.


Minnesota Academy of Science: If you are looking for internships and experiences, look at the Minnesota Academy of Science. This statewide non-profit organization provides STEM opportunities. From K-12 Education Programs to Research, the Minnesota Academy of Science has much to offer.


As you can see, there are many options for finding an internship or technology training. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and contact your career counselor to start the conversation!

Janice Aanenson

Executive Director of the IT Center of Excellence



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