Looking for Training Opportunities?

If you are looking for training opportunities, check out these options with the MN State IT Center of Excellence:


1.      Becoming Cyber Savvy - Free Beginner Online Safety Training

Become cyber-savvy is open to anyone to learn best practices to protect yourself online.


1.      How to identify personal risk

2.      How to create safe and secure passwords

3.      How to protect your personal systems

4.      Explore real-life examples of phishing and scam emails


Register for Free Virtual Sessions on the 2nd Thursday of the Month: 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM (UTC)

If you would like to take the self-guided training:

 Please visit: https://educate.stemfuse.com/

 -Select Join a Class

 -Enter access code 704999e4


2.      Cyber Security For Employees (Fundamentals of Cybersecurity for Employees)

The majority of employees use the Internet at some point while at work or while working remotely, so it is important to business that everyone learns to practice cyber safety. As an employer, the ITCOE is here to help train cybersecurity safety and

The goal of this course is to present information in a clear and minimally technical manner so that you know exactly what to do, and what not to do, to keep yourself and your company safe.

Areas covered:

• Scams and Malware

• Passwords and Authentication

• Protecting Information (personal and company proprietary)


If your employees would like to take the free self-guided training:

Employee Training:

 Please visit: https://educate.stemfuse.com/

 -Select Join a Class

 -Enter access code: 4528efe5


3.      Advanced Cyber Security Training For I.T. Professionals (Fundamentals of Cyber Security for Small Business)

As an IT professional, you know that there are negative business repercussions if there is a successful security breach including any of these: business disruption, legal action and fines, reputation damage, and financial loss

The goal of this course is to present information in a clear and minimally technical manner so that you know exactly what to do, and what not to do, to keep yourself and your company safe.

Areas covered:

·        Risk Assessment

·        Security Policies and Procedures

·        Employee Training and Awareness

·        Network Security

·        Data Encryption…and more!


If your IT Professional would like to take the free self-guided training:

 Please visit: https://educate.stemfuse.com/

 -Select Join a Class

 -Enter access code: e732f712


IT Exploration

IT Exploration is a hands-on survey course and introduction to information technology and the associated skills and competencies within the industry including office productivity, digital media, computing systems, programming, data, and so much more. The course focuses on the development of real world projects that students can use to demonstrate their IT skills.

Throughout the course, learners gain access to the following content:

·        Interactive Lessons

·        Digital & Hands-On Assignments

·        IT Challenge Projects

·        Career Focus Explorations

·        Additional Activities & Resources



Build job-ready skills by learning from the best! Get started in the in-demand field of IT with a Professional Certificate from Google. Learn the foundations of networking and operating systems, providing end-to-end customer support, and how to solve problems using code. For just $10 each, we offer the following google certification:

·        Project Management

·        IT Support

·        Data Analytics

·        Advanced Data Analytics

·        IT Automation with Python

·        UX Design

·        Cyber

·        Business Intelligence

·        Digital Marketing

·        A.I.

Janice Aanenson

Executive Director of the IT Center of Excellence



Minnesota Works - Exploring Tech & Trades 2024


Cybersecurity Capabilities and Careers Symposia (3CS)